Remember the first time you met your partner? It was such a beautiful feeling, right?
Well, usually after some time, life happens. One gets busy and forgets what a beautiful ‘feeling’ love is.
Here are some ways to find that spark/feeling again.
1. Don’t take your partner for granted
After the honeymoon phase, we tend to take our partners for granted. Some people believe thank you and sorry have no place in their relationship. We suggest these three very powerful feelings
a) Thank You (Gratitude)
b) Sorry (Realization)
c) I Love You (Love itself)
2. Focus on the positives
Since the other person cannot be exactly as you want them to be, we suggest you cut them some slack and stop molding them and accept them as they are instead. Yes, along with their imperfections. No one is perfect, remember?
3. Date Nights
At least once a week, go out!
Enjoy yourselves, talk to each other, share your feelings, communicate, have awesome food and connect and re-connect with each other on regular basis.
4. Avoid taking your work home

Even if it’s absolutely necessary and you have to bring it home, limit it to a certain time after coming back. Make sure you give your partner enough time. No phones, Laptops etc. before sleeping. Pillow fights and pillow talk are a must (wink, wink)
5. Try new things together
Sexually. Experiment, explore and implore. Spice things up a bit (or a lot).
6. Surprise each other
Flowers or gifts, it’s your call. The effort counts.
7. Take up a hobby
Be adventurous, be crazy. Think out of the box and live your dream. Do things you enjoy doing together.
8. Hold hands
Don’t be scared of expressing your love by holding hands. It makes the bond stronger. There is something real about holding hands. Some kind of complex simplicity, saying so much by doing so little.
9. Travel
Last but definitely not the least, Travel together. Explore new places and while you are at it explore each other as well. Travelling takes your mind off work and maybe you should focus on your partner and fall in love, all over again.