15 New Year Resolutions Everyone Should Try And Achieve

It’s been a few days since we walked into 2016, but have we done anything to try and make this year a bit different for us all?
New Year resolutions are hyped indeed, but if you follow them, you will see how things can be different! Here are 15 resolutions every one should follow and achieve.


1: Quit an addiction

Enjoy smoking a bit too much? Take alcohol too seriously? Now is the time. Stop. Save yourself from what’s will happen if you don’t quit now.


Source: quitsmokingcommunity.org


2: Endear a journal

Letter writing is a dead art. All the more reason to do it. Sit down every night and jot down each day’s memories! At the end of the year, you’ll be surprised reading about the different things that happened. It’s really difficult to maintain a diary so make sure to fill in everyday!

Young female is writing notes and planning her schedule.
Young female is writing notes and planning her schedule.

Source: timemanagementninja.com


3: Visit more places

India is a very diverse country. There’s a number of places waiting to be visited and they’re beyond beautiful! Make a resolution to visit these places before you make any other holiday plans!


Source: yatrasathi.com


4: Learn a new language

Language skills are always respected. Ever wanted to learn to speak an entire different one? Buy those dictionaries, enrol yourself in those classes, and get learning.


Source: img3.wikia.nocookie.net


5: Get fit.

You have a long way ahead of you. Eat healthy and exercise!


Source: image.51fit.com


6: Enjoy Life

Bring in an optimistic approach towards everything you do, live the smallest moments without worrying about loads and investments or future planning. Live the present.


Source: drcharlierocks.com


7: From Vocation to Profession

When your hobby becomes your profession it not only brings in money but also makes working a fun experience. And happiness.



Source: www.worknotplay.co.uk


8: Look to achieve more

ALWAYS look at achieving higher than you already have.


Source: s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com


9: Positive approach to life

Vow to always view the glass to be half full. This will help you solve any obstacle you may face in life.


Source: d2zfkpu1r6ym98.cloudfront.net


10: Step up or Step Down Social Media Activity

If you have been out of touch with your friends and family, social media would help you get back to that. But if your virtual life is affecting your personal life, it is time you changed that.


Source: cdn.churchm.ag


11: Break a Record

This does not have to be a world record. It could be your own set standards — getting better grades in school, saving more than last year , strengthening relationships, anything.


Source: www.arlenward.com


12: Tell people you love them

This year, it’s all about being happy and making people happy. Tell your loved ones and see the smile that play on their face.


Source: static4.quoteswave.com


13: Adopt a Pet

The devotion, love and loyalty of a pet can never be matched. Feel the bliss by giving one a home, your home.


Source: a248.e.akamai.net


14: Get organised

This is the key to make life easy, manage time and live stress free. Make a proper To-Do list, and you are half way there already.


Source: greatnesshq.com


15: Contribute for a Cause

Giving back to the society is the least we can do to make the world a better place to live in.


Source: www.firstrepublic.com