Can You Find The Mobile Phone In This Picture? 99% Of People Who Saw This Couldn’t.

Looking at the image, at first it may appear to a table standing on a rug but as we take a closer look, it is something else! As a matter of fact, this image has gone viral after a Philippines based Facebook user Jeya May Cruz shared it on social media and gave a caption saying, “Let’s play a game. Look at the cell phone.”



Startlingly! More than 17,000 users further shared it since July 2 and received more than 130,000 likes, and this left the Facebook commenters baffled. In their numerous attempts of finding the smart phone, many users went frustrated.



In a follow-up post, Cruz wrote: “Thank you everyone, I can’t believe this would become viral. I’m sorry if it made your eyes hurt and head ache….Thank you again!” and a user responded: “I really can’t find it!”

Another commented: “Even my other friends are sharing your pics on Instagram. Find the phone optical illusion is the latest image dividing internet users in the past few months. Ally found the phone…Drove me crazy!”



Similarly, other such tricks and puzzles are sweeping the internet. These include: Brick wall optical illusion, animal hiding among all the zebras, simple mathematic questions confusing the adults, and a new brain teaser that many adults are getting wrong.

Others like, it is not the fist exam question to divide the internet, here’s why 5+5+5 doesn’t always make 15, here’s what happened when a professor tested students’ ethics with a cruel exam question are ruling the net as well.
